Jess Morgan | Guide + Healer
Hi Sweet Soul !
I'm Jess, and together with spirit we use the tarot to transform mindsets, expose blind spots, reveal the struggles of your soul, and uncover the blocks you face. We dig into what spirit wants you to address and the energy you’re currently manifesting.
My goal is always to get you clarity, connect you back to your divine truth, and set you straight, so you can walk away with a pep in your step and peace in your heart.
If you have any question about me or my guides reach out or explore my about page.
30 min
55 US dollars45 min
66 US dollars1 hr
77 US dollars
1 hr
Starts at $111/hour
1 hr
88 US dollars

IS TAROT EVIL? Tarot is a language of symbolism and deeply rooted in Jewish Kabbalah. Much like money or books, whether or not tarot is evil depends on who is reading it. A good example to illustrate what I'm talking about is the Nazi's use of the Swastika. The swastica is a Hindu symbol of good fortune, but the nazis appropriated it to represent genocide. Therefore, the tarot is not innately evil. The way it has been portrayed in Hollywood is incorrect as well. The fear that has been generated around tarot is to keep you from using the tool to expand your consciousness. This reason alone should make you want to use it more. Additionally, If you'd like to learn more about my guides, please hover over the "about" tab in the menu and see "About Jess' Guides"
AM I ABLE TO ASK QUESTIONS AND GET ANSWERS? You can, but keep in mind that the tarot is not about getting answers but rather, uncovering truth. So an answer to "Is he my soul mate?" might be, "Have you done the work from your previous relationships to have attracted your soul mate already?" It's really not an ideal tool for yes/no questions.
DO I NEED TO HAVE A QUESTION READY? No. In fact, I'd rather you didn't. That is unlike psychics, but I don't really want to know anything before our meeting. I like to let spirit bring up what we need to talk about and 9 times out of 10, it's about what's been bothering you anyway.
ARE YOU A MEDIUM? I consider myself more of a psychic channel than a medium. While I cannot guarantee messages from a loved one who has passed, (although sometimes it happens) I can guarantee messages from your spirit team.
CAN YOU PREDICT THE FUTURE? On a good day, my claircognizant skill is on point and I can gain access to what your magnetism will attract. However, at any given time, quantum time has unlimited outcomes to any decision we make. Your electric thoughts charge your magnetism positively or negatively, and your magnetism attracts your experiences. So let's say you want to know if you'll get the job you're going out for, and the cards say yes! And it's likely, they have invited you back for a second round of interviews and you have rapport with HR. But that day, you leave the tarot booth and go back to work the next day and your boss calls you into the office and reprimands you for "not being the person they hired" and underperformance. The rest of the day, you are thinking of the audacity of your boss and then the next day is your final interview to the new job, and you spent all night tossing and turning about what happened at your job that day. If you go to that interview still charged with the experiences from the previous day, if the hiring team at the new job is sensitive, they might pick up on your desperation and not hire you. It can be a subtle shift in energy to change the outcome.
IS THIS JUST A PARTY TRICK? Short answer, no. I use tarot to connect with spirit and expose your blocks, your shadow, and the things required to heal before the heart of any situation can be healed or overcome. We pull cards to get clarity, to hear truth, to be witnessed, not to show off at a party. If this is what you are wanting, I might not be your psychic.