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Need help learning the swords suit in the minor arcana? I have just the hack! Take yourself back to the days of cramming for exams and study group parties with these tarot flash cards!  Simplify your tarot study while learning the swords suit and deepen your tarot practice.

Download and print them, then study away. Be it together with a friend or quizzing yourself solo, these cards will help you remember keywords related to each tarot card, and then engrave it in your brain with colors correlated to each tarot card. Science-backed research supports color helping to trigger memory, which will be helpful when you're reading the actual tarot and similar colors will activate your study. Get started today with an instant file download!

Best if printed on 8.5" x 11" cardstock on both sides.
The ideal card size is 5.5" tall x 4.25" wide 

*See more instructions in additional info*

Swords Suit - Printable Tarot Flash Cards


    • Best if printed on 8.5" x 11" cardstock on both sides, flip LONG EDGE binding, and in color.


    • The ideal card size is 5.5" tall x 4.25" wide and easiest if cut with a paper guillotine.
    • Line the paper up longways (11" Side) at the edge of 5.5" on the paper guillotine ruler and make a cut.
    • Then Line up 8.5" side at 4.25" and make cut at 4.25". 

Dear Jess

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